Friday, 19 April 2024
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Investment General Plan of Pekalongan City shortened RUPM (IGP) of Pekalongan City is a document of investment plan in the city level which is valid till 2025. IGP is functioned to synergies the operational of all sectoral concerns in order not to overlap in priority setting.

Directions of Investment Policy consists of:

  1. Improvement of the Investment Climate;
  2. Distribution of Investment;
  3. Focus of Food and Infrastructure Development;
  4. Investing which Environmental Viewed (Green Investment)
  5. Empowerment of Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives;
  6. Facility Award and / or the Investment Incentives; and
  7. Promotion of Investment;

Guide map (roadmap) of Pekalongan City RUPM (IGP) implementation consists of the following stages:

  1. Stage I ( 2013–2015 ) : Development of Investment wich Relatively Easy and Fast Produce;
  2. Stage II ( 2016–2020 ) : Acceleration of Infrastructure Development;
  3. Stage III ( 2021–2025 ) : Large Scale Industrial Development; and
  4. Stage IV : Development of Knowledge-Based Economy;

 More Scripts of Pekalongan City RUPM (IGP) can be downloaded below:

  1. Major Rule Number 57A Year 2013 concerns RUPM (IGP) of Pekalongan City Year 2013 - 2025
  2. Governor Rule Number 51 Year 2012 concerns RUPM (IGP) of Central Java Province Year 2012 - 2025
  3. President Rule Number 16 Year 2012 concerns RUPM (IGP)

Contact Us

Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Kota Pekalongan

Jl. Jaksa Agung R. Soeprapto No. 1, Kota Pekalongan

Telp : 0285 - 432086
Fax : 0285 - 420428
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