Wednesday, 17 April 2024
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The development of economic sectors in Pekalongan City has led to the development of the built physical area. The condition causes a briefing developments need to better align with development policy in the region.

To realize the spatial plan of Pekalongan City that is able to provide direction and control over urban development system more effectively and efficiently, it is necessary to conduct evaluation and refinement of product of spatial plan which already existed, in accordance with existing condition and changes that happened in spatial system in Pekalongan City.

The Purpose of RTRW Arrangement of Pekalongan City is as a reference in the preparation of development programs for the achievement of the welfare of the people in realizing a safe, comfortable, productive and sustainable territory space based on the National Archipelagic Insight and National Resilience in meeting the development needs with an environmentally sound, efficient in investment allocation, use of natural resources and artificial resources with respect to human resources and science and technology.


Contact Us

Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Kota Pekalongan

Jl. Jaksa Agung R. Soeprapto No. 1, Kota Pekalongan

Telp : 0285 - 432086
Fax : 0285 - 420428
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