Saturday, 04 May 2024
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RTBL Jetayu Area


  Batik Techno-city of Pekalongan includes the city re-management related to regional functions toward a creative, smart, and green city. Batik Techno-city is as a common step to increase competitiveness and social cohesion in realizing the prosperous condition for Pekalongan citizens. The Batik Techno-city concept is an agreement, with iconic Batik Cultural Innovation Center, which Jetayu area is as its center
The purposes of Batik Techno-city are:
  1. to increase the competitiveness of Pekalongan city's Batik industry,
  2. to develop the batik entrepreneurs for beginners based on technology,
  3. to keep the existing of Batik as world cultural heritage.

Regional Development Concept :
    1. Sub region Jetayu is a center of Pekalongan city area heritage, as a provider of supporting infrastructure and control of morphological deformation region;
    2. ·Sub Chinatown is a center of economic activity in the form of scale service trade;
    3. Sub Arabian community region has the social and cultural potential, batik-producing activity and religious activity;
    4. Sub region Krapyak has a distinctive social and cultural potential.

Contact Us

Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu (DPMPTSP) Kota Pekalongan

Jl. Jaksa Agung R. Soeprapto No. 1, Kota Pekalongan

Telp : 0285 - 432086
Fax : 0285 - 420428
Email :